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A Truly Unique Opportunity in the Ohio US Senate & Gubernatorial Elections!!!

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Corey_Baker08 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 02:39 AM
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A Truly Unique Opportunity in the Ohio US Senate & Gubernatorial Elections!!!
As a 20 year old resident of Ohio who proudly supported and met both Gov Ted Strickland and Senator Sherrod Brown, I gained a sense of pride in the elected leaders of the state of Ohio. Both are very real down to earth individuals who know the struggles of everyday Ohioans. Sen. Brown has been one of the most valuable liberal senators in the Senate a strong supporter of the Public Option as well. For the first time in my lifetime Ohio went blue for Obama in 2008. It was a great victory for me personally as I had campaigned so hard in the very conservative parts of Ohio. I see a unique opportunity in the US Senate Race that Republican Mike Dewine is vacating. I believe the voters of Ohio will elect SOS Jennifer Brunner for the US Senate Seat but we cannot do it without your help!

I believe that Governor Strickland has done the best for the buckeye state given the circumstances of the current economic situation. He is up for re election and I dont know of any serious opponent, he looks to be a shoe in for re election. Also I cannot stress enough the importance of the US Senate race in Ohio, current SOS Jennifer Brunner is likely to be the Democratic candidate to challenge retiring Senator Mike Dewines seat, I think we have a unique opportunity here and I ask all to go to / and donate to this terrific candidate. I have met her personally during the race for SOS in which she beat a famous Republican and she is down to earth. Also I did an interview with her for school about the questions regarding election fraud in the 2004 election in Ohio and she promised that as SOS we would never have to worry about election fraud and she was gonna make it so voting was more accessible to minorities and youth which she has done by enacting early voting in Ohio!

Cmon DU, this is truly a unique opportunity, stop by her website and show her your support!!!


Corey Baker
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CitizenLeft Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 04:26 AM
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1. She's already got my vote
...and I'm getting her emails. I can't wait to see Ohio with 2 Dems in the Senate again! :thumbsup:
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Berry Cool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 11:19 AM
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2. DeWine?? He's not the senator who's retiring, it's Voinovich.
Sherrod Brown beat DeWine in the '06 election. Voinovich is the retiring Republican senator.

Otherwise, I'm with you on electing Brunner to join Brown. Brown and Brunner...what a team!
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