This was obviously written before today's appearance by the President. ;) of the Week: Obama Disses Court
By Craig Crawford | January 29, 2010 9:00 AM
It was the least expected moment of the State of the Union Address. President Obama stared down the enrobed justices sitting in the front rows, and gave them a tongue lashing for their recent campaign finance decision.
Obama claimed that the court had "reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests." While most of the justices simply looked stunned, Samuel A. Alito Jr., seemed visibly unhappy.
Some criticize the appropriateness of the head of the Executive Branch using a speech in the chambers of the Legislative Branch to harangue the top court in the Judicial Branch. But Obama was mad at lot of people in this speech. He griped about the Senate, the Republicans, and even dished out some harsh words for his own party.
Obama's even-tempered delivery masked what was actually a very tough speech, one that ought to restore faith among supporters that he hasn't abandoned his political base. And dissing the conservative Supreme Court to their faces on national television had to give liberals a boost.