If small buisness creates over 70% of all new jobs
http://www.nsba.biz/docs/importance_of_small_business.pdfBy voting against the stimulus package that had those cuts.. and now.. refusing to help with HCR that would give small businesses tax credit to provide insurance for their employees
http://stabenow.senate.gov/press/2009/122409SenatePassesHistoricLegislationtoReformHealthInsurancetoSaveLivesSaveMoneyandSaveJobs.htm“The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provides over $430 billion in tax cuts for small businesses and individuals to help pay for health insurance. These tax cuts will reduce health care costs for small businesses and free up billions of dollars for large employers that can be reinvested in our economy to save 3.5 million jobs.” What leg do the republicans have to stand on when it comes to protecting small businesses in the US.. the real engine of our economy?