First, I should state why I didn't support him in the primaries. I do this, not to relitigate the primary but to give you an honest view of the lens through which I judged Obama then and to some extent judge him now. I had three major problems with Obama in the primaries.
One, I was adamently opposed to his education policy as it was outlined in the primaries. I believed he was a strong supporter of both charter schools and merit pay both of which I adamently oppose.
Two, I thought he was not partisan enough.
Three, I felt he would, at best, be a follower on gay issues and at worst use slights of us as ways to show he was standing up to liberals.
On those three issues.
On issue one, those of us who were ridiculed and worse for correctly pointing out what his position was, have sadly, been utterly vindicated. It is clear that Obama and his secretary Duncan are fully committed to a vision of blaming all of education's ills on teachers. On the plus side for Duncan has been remarkably pro gay. His standing behind Kenneth Jennings is a big plus. Here I would give him a C. A for the pro gay policy, a low B for the stimulus funds, and an F for Education policy.
On issue two, I think he is beginning to learn. Presuming that Health Care is passed via reconciliation, I will conceed he is learning. I thought he botched the stimulus by not beginning negotiations high enough. I am worried he is getting rolled on judges to some extent. Passing health care via reconciliation would show me he is improving. Grade I for either incomplete or improving.
On issue three, again, I think gays were sadly vindicated here. Obama hasn't taken any real lead on gay issues. His symbolism has been nothing short of horrible. From the botched Inagural prayers, to the lack of any gay cabinet members, to the amazingly horrible brief defending DOMA he has been politically tone deaf to gays. On substance, his one big victory thus far has been the wildly popular anti hate crime bill. Here, I think he has a very limited window remaining. If he passes repeal of DADT I will give him a B-, if he doesn't a D-.
So how would I rate him overall? I would give him a B. He gets an A for foreign policy where only his Afghanistan policy I find a bit mistaken. I think by just getting the world back in our corner he deserves to be graded well. His appointees have been largely good and I think he fought pretty hard for most of them. Grade there B. I do have issues with his education policy as I noted but it is only one department, not the entire government.
I really hope he has learned his lesson vis a vis the GOP. If he has, he could still be an A President, if not then his grade will be much lower.