Bunning voted NO on Pay-As-You-Go
by Mohner
Mon Mar 01, 2010 at 09:48:27 PM PST
In case there's anyone left who still had a doubt that the GOP is the "Party of No", Jim Bunning puts you straight -- it's all about the obstruction. Bunning voted NO on the Pay-as-you-Go bill.
Here is a List of the YEA/NAY votes for the Senate version of "Pay as you Go", the bill that would require the federal government to pay for future spending increases. To be "deficit neutral".
This vote was taken January 28, 2010. A little over a month ago.
You would think that a man as interested in paying for $10 Billion worth of spending on unemployment extensions and construction spending, as Jim Bunning apparently is, would jump at the chance to make sure that the federal government would pay its way going forward. Alas, you are giving WAY too much credit to the idea of rationality, a sense of shame, and general human decency. Jim Bunning voted NO on Pay-as-you-Go.
With a straight human face, and with the sheer human pain of missing a college basketball game, Jim Bunning declared that he would stop a $10 Billion stop-gap spending bill from going forward. And yet he voted against Pay-as-you-Go.
This should be the other shoe dropping. This isn't about deficits, or healthcare, or anything. It's about VOTING AGAINST WHATEVER the Obama Administration proposes, and to do anything at all to obstruct, wherever the GOP can.
Rachel Maddow said it best: They're not ashamed. They don't have that gene. They don't share the most basic sense of shame that even infants have.