Republican compares Obama to Snooki
Posted: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 5:15 PM by Domenico Montanaro
From NBC's Luke Russert and Domenico Montanaro
What do Barack Obama and Snooki from MTV's "Jersey Shore" have in common?
Not a whole lot. But a Georgia congressman actually found a way to draw the comparison, taking the rhetoric on Capitol Hill -- incredibly -- to a whole new low.
Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), a medical doctor who Republicans have continually put forward to discuss health care, said in a press release today, "Snookie, from the Jersey Shore, has more substance than President Obama's offer."
The reference is to Obama adopting more Republican ideas before his speech tomorrow on the way forward for health care.
Broun even brings "The Situation" into this.
The bigger question in all this: Who knew Broun was a Jersey Shore fan?
Here's Broun's full release:
Broun: Snookie has more substance than Obama's bipartisanship "offer"