House Dem To Colleagues: Show Spine!
With the chances of passing the health reform bill in the House looking very hairy, we’ll all be hanging on every utterance that comes from undecided House Dems, in search of clues for their intentions. Here’s one that will cheer reform proponents:
Rep. John Adler, a freshman who won a Republican-leaning district in 2008, is also undecided, after voting no last fall. He said the Senate bill did a better job containing health costs.
In an interview, he said he had spoken directly to the president about the issue and was not worried about Republican arguments that Democrats would pay a political price for supporting the health bill.
“I think people shouldn’t be worried about their careers. They should be worried about doing what’s right.”
These quotes from Adler, interestingly, are being circulated by Republicans. National GOP strategists are making reconciliation a 2010 campaign issue; the NRCC has even set up a war room to pressure House Dems to say whether they’ll support this procedural tactic, warning that those who do will “face the electoral consequences in November.”
The fact that national GOP strategists are trying to spook Dems into not voting for the bill, of course, raises the possibility that they see a defeat for the bill as worse for Dems in the end. Some GOPers privately say they view passage as worse politically for Dems; others acknowledge that Dems are better off if they pass something.
But that aside, note that Adler is urging fellow Dems to “do what’s right” after having talked to Obama. The President has publicly and privately urged Dems to pass reform in order to put themselves on the right side of history.