by Mark Udall
Finally, we have a bill.
Just minutes ago, I stood with Senators Lieberman, Levin, Gillibrand, and Burris at a press conference and announced that we would be introducing the Military Readiness Enhancement Act of 2010 in the Senate to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
In a time of two wars, any policy that leads to the discharge of talented and capable troops threatens our national security and wastes resources. That's exactly what "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has been doing for 17 years. And that's why, as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and original cosponsor of this bill, I'm proud to be leading the charge to finally -- and fully -- repeal this unfair and outmoded law.
Just last year, over 400 otherwise qualified troops, from Arabic translators to fighter pilots, were discharged for no reason other than their sexual orientation. That harms our national security, and it's why we need to make sure this bill passes.
This legislation accomplishes several key goals:
- Full repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." It will allow the Department of Defense to continue its study to determine the best way to implement the repeal, but ensures that the study remains dedicated to implementing repeal, not considering whether to repeal.
- Ends discharges for gay and lesbian servicemembers immediately. While the study period for implementation goes forward, no members of the Armed Forces will be discharged solely for their sexual orientation.
In other words, this bill ensures that we stop harming our military's effectiveness, but still takes a reasonable approach to ensure that the repeal is done in a responsible way. It's an excellent piece of legislation, but some opponents still claim it will spell disaster for our military.