Agree completely. Judd Gregg definitely knows he's lying, given that he's used reconciliation himself so many times before. I hope he keeps on making statements, though, because I've been really enjoying all the things he's been saying about reconciliation being a killer asteroid, or about giving the reconciliation bill a "Byrd bath."
Here's the former quote:
“This bill, this giant bill, on health care -- this asteroid headed towards Earth -- is sitting in the House of Representatives. And they don't have the votes to pass it… So what have the House leadership and the Senate comes up with? They've come up with a huge sidecar. It's called reconciliation.” – Senator Judd Gregg 3/16/10 23:45
That amused me so much, I wrote a poem about it, entitled:
"Reconciligeddon (or, Hey Judd, Don’t Be Afraid)"
A new term has swept the Nation:
For Dems, it represents healthcare’s last chance,
But Republicans take a contrary stance.
They believe that it’s introduction
Will bring about the country’s destruction.
(Never mind the fact that they’ve used it much more
Than the Dems ever had before.)
But one brave Senator from New Hampshire
(A Republican, to be sure)
Has come out against this grave offense
And offered himself up in our national defense.
NASA is preparing to send him up into space
In this last ditch chance to save the human race.
(Dramatic pause while we all reminisce
About the heroic scene with Bruce Willis.)
I guess we should call it asteroid R-51,
Because that’s the number of votes needed to get health reform done.
“R” is for reconciliation, of course,
Something the GOP used to heartily endorse.
But now that the tables are turned
And Dems to the majority have returned,
Reconciliation has become a mortal threat
The likes of which the Nation’s never seen yet.
Mortal, that is, to the Republican attempt
To treat the political process with continued contempt,
To block and obstruct for political gain
In their unending anti-Obama campaign.
(An asteroid killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
Does a similar fate await the dinosauric Party of No?)
And you, Judd, don’t be afraid--
It isn’t as bad as you’ve portrayed.
Reconciliations used to make you glad,
So don’t make this one out to be so bad.
Let me know what you think, and go to for some other poems about reconciliation (along with videos and links to other articles), or for one about Judd's Byrd bath statement.