Background: Rep Altmire is on the list of House undecideds who voted "no" on the original House bill that the President invited to the WH last night for "cocktails." (Note: he is NOT in the Stupak 12 ... they're a tougher bunch.) he was just on Chuck Todd's show this morning, I'll post a video later if I can find one, but what he said was....
"The context of the meeting was a celebration of PAYGO .... that was the context, how health care can fit into deficit reduction .... and the President did have some pretty strong words on how this bill can reduce .... the deficit."
"I need to see the (reconciliation) bill, the CBO hasn't scored it yet."
"where we are now is def. a better starting point than where we (were last) November."
"We have an obligation as House members to make the though votes .... the Senate has to do THEIR part .... but I'm not afraid to take a tough vote."
overall .... good news .... sounds like the President's message that "we have to do what's right, not what's politically safe" hit home with him.