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I really do think that when the HCR act gets signed.. things will start to move

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Peacetrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 03:03 PM
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I really do think that when the HCR act gets signed.. things will start to move

The republicans painted themselves into a belligerent corner they are never going to be able to get out of. So it is reconciliation all the way. We are going to pass this, and here is the big thing...

We can't just drop it then. Like Social Security before it, which was a pretty limited benefit package.. we will need to tend to and expand Health Care coverage. But once we have our foot in the door.. we can expand..and public option should be an ultimate goal I hope to see in my lifetime.

I still believe the public option is the best tool to hold the insurance companies accountable.. But we have to get something in there to start chipping away at them

These insurance rates are killing small businesses.. and I love the fact that the coverage for those who can least afford it will be covered by the government.

Not too thrilled with the thought of mandates.. I do not even like someone telling me what time it is... I am just a tad on the stubborn side.

But in order to cover those who cannot afford to pay for insurance, we are all going to have to jump into that pool to keep costs down.

I can see that..

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SPedigrees Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 03:14 PM
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1. It can't go into law soon enough to suit me! nt
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JuniperLea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 03:23 PM
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2. I can see that too, Peacetrain...
We can always whittle away, and bondo up, once the vehicle gets rolling. It must roll first, and it must roll soon. Every month we delay another 3000+ people die for lack of insurance.
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rooftoprevolutionary Donating Member (97 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 03:32 PM
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3. if reconciliation can work...
I say go for it, but the danger remains that some democrats may not be standing behind the bill.

i completely agree that you gotta get the ball rolling before you can start commenting on and fixing its roll.
the more we sit here and bitch back and forth, the more people die like JuniperLea pointed out.

We wait with bated breath...
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damonm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 03:48 PM
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4. I'm in agreement with that - as a first step.
The 80/20 rule is at work here. We've expended 80% of the effort toward real reform, and we've gotten 20% of the way there.

Once the public realizes just what is in this - the end of "pre-existing conditions", the end of recission, a cap on out-of-pocket expenses (essentially, and end to the most egregious practices), it will be politically impossible to go back to what we had - only to go forward. And clearing this initial hurdle will make futher reform that much easier - the other 80% of the way will only take 20% of the effort.
Bear in mind, Social Security, as originally passed, would have been considered a steaming POS by today's standards - as would the original version of Medicare - but got amended, expanded and improved, and it became a political 3rd rail - as has Medicare. It is my opinion that this version of HCR will go the same route.

Is this a perfect bill? HELL, no!
Is this even a good bill? Not a chance.
Is it an absolutely necessary first step?
Bet your ass. Because until we clear the first hurdle, single-payer (the ultimate goal) is not going to happen. Period.
It SHOULD have already happened - stipulated.
But there is an enormous gulf - especially in politics - between "should" and "is". Unfortunately, "is" wins about 99.99999999% of these battles.

So being an incurable pragmatist, I'll take this HCR law as a victory - the first in a series that need winning.
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JoePhilly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 04:11 PM
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5. Confucius ... A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ...
And ... This is much more than a single step.
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 04:35 PM
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6. Aren't you thinking of the Social Security bill that was passed in an alternate universe?
You know, the one where the govbernment forced everyone to invest in the stock market for their retirement and subsidized the ones who couldn't afford it? As a result, we got all workers magically covered by a government plan.
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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 05:06 PM
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7. 'things will start to move'... as in a bowel movement?
If you want to keep costs down, pass a public option!
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