....But stepping back, it's worth pausing to appreciate the increasingly hands-on role the president and his team are playing in this process. For much of January and February, it was very common to hear Democrats on the Hill (and elsewhere) ask incredulously, "Where's Obama?" The relevant players knew what had to be done, but they wanted to see the president take charge -- making the case, setting the schedule, giving vacillating members the hard sell, and dragging health care reform closer and closer to the finish line. They wanted to follow, and expected Obama to lead.
Let it be noted that the president is doing just that. Jonathan Cohn noted last night, "At any point in the last few months but particularly in the wake of the Massachusetts election, it would have been easy to back away from comprehensive reform -- to cut a deal, be done with it, and move on. Instead, Obama on Wednesday committed himself more fully to comprehensive reform than he has at any time since this effort started."
And today he's pushing himself even further into the fray, summoning waffling lawmakers to the White House so Obama can make his pitch directly. I have no idea if the president's efforts will pay dividends -- for the country's sake, I can only hope they do -- but it's heartening to see him go all in...