WASHINGTON - March 03, 2010 - President Barack Obama outlined his health care priorities today, incorporating ideas from both sides of the aisle. The President said he believes Congress owes the American people a final vote on health care reform. The move could revive stalled health care legislation.
The following can be attributed to National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel:
“NEA is pleased that the process to reform health care is forging ahead. The nation is closer than ever to comprehensive health care reform. We cannot afford to squander the opportunity to make health care affordable and accessible for millions of Americans who currently lack coverage.
“While lawmakers may differ on political views and process, we can all agree that the American people are struggling with health care. Every day we delay another ailing child goes without asthma medication, a person with a pre-existing condition is denied coverage and health care premiums continue to rise. These are only some of the devastating effects of inaction.
“In schools across America, these effects are far-reaching. Sick students miss school or show up to class unable to concentrate on their lessons.
“We look forward to reviewing provisions as they work their way through Congress. The National Education Association will continue to work aggressively with lawmakers and the White House to get a bill to the President’s desk that ensures every person in America has access to quality, affordable health care coverage.”