Just in case a Palin supporter talks to anyone with more than a single brain cell, Idiots4Palin prepared a script for them to read.
Just a snippet of the Q&As
Sarah Doubter: Nobody who ever quit a governorship in their first term could be elected president. It's just not going to happen.
You: So you're concerned about how Sarah Palin's resignation affects her political image and electability?
Sarah Doubter: Yeah, it shows she can't handle the heat.
You: So staying in office would have shown she could handle heat?
Sarah Doubter: That's exactly what I'm saying.
You: What you're suggesting is that quitting removed the heat from her, right?
Sarah Doubter: Yes, exactly.
You: Isn't it true that by quitting she has attracted more heat, including from people like you on her own side? And wouldn't it, in fact, have been easier to sit in office, collect a paycheck, concede to spend 80% of your time on non-productive "defensive" activities, stick taxpayers with the bill, travel the world, and pretend that you're accomplishing something?
Sarah Doubter: Well, she should have just fought her enemies instead of letting them win.
You: If you decide to continue fighting your enemies at the expense of the people you serve is that even ethical? If your presence in office is causing heavy collateral damage to your state, is it smart and ethical to remain in office no matter the cost?
http://www.conservatives4palin.com/2010/03/answering-quitter-charge-4-sample.htmlThe comments are equally as funny as well. Well they have to rehearse those talking points. The Democratic Party will have no need to bring up the quitter point, by the time the other GOP candidates have run her through the mill, she will probably have quit again.