Interesting poll all around. Rather than just polling Likely Voters or Registered Voters Greenberg has worked with people who voted in 2008 then dividing them into people likely and unlikely to vote in 2010.
The differences between the two groups are striking. The likelys are Republican leaning, doing better financially and less unhappy about the economy in general, but are
much likelier to say the country is on the wrong track.
Obama approval:
Total 49-46
Likely 2010 Voter 47-48
"Drop off" voters 59-35
And the shocker...
Q.30 And would you say the United States is more respected or less respected in the world than
it was two years ago?
Total More:42 Less:50
Likely 2010 Voter 41-51
"Drop off" voters 47-44
Anyway, read the whole thing. The poll has a national security focus but also gets into midterms and other policy issues.