Labor On Dems Who Block Health Reform: We'll 'Take Them Out'
First Posted: 03- 9-10 03:10 PM
As health care reform enters its do-or-die stage in Congress, union leaders on Tuesday began threatening that they will work to 'take out' Democratic lawmakers who vote against the bill.
In a set of fiery speeches outside a private health insurance lobby gathering on Tuesday, a group of prominent labor and progressive leaders excoriated industry executives, calling them everything from "dark titans" to "domestic enemies."
It was feisty rhetoric that riled up a crowd that organizers put at more than 5,000 who had gathered to demonstrate outside the America's Health Insurance Plans' annual summit in Washington D.C. But an even more compelling discussion was taking place, literally and figuratively, backstage.
In a series of conversations with the Huffington Post, many of labor's leading voices pledged to launch a massive, arm-twisting effort to help persuade skeptical lawmakers to pass health care legislation into law. And in addition to their traditional ammunition -- from email campaigns to town hall events -- talk also centered on exacting electoral revenge against those who end up voting against reform.
"I hope this sends a message to Congress," Gerald McEntee, president of 1.6-million-member AFSCME, told the Huffington Post. "I think we have to demonstrate that we are not going to stand aside, that we are going to take them out if they don't help us at all."