The House public option was so watered down that I'm frankly unenthused by it. Worse, I think the sickest patients will be attracted to it and that will benefit the insurance companies.
Faced with that reality, I thought the exchanges, at least on a national level, to be better than the lame public option.
But most of you know me by now, with those things, without them, with a hybrid, I'll still support doing something.
You don't want to know how far I'll go to pass *anything*. I just can't pass up the chance to regulate insurance companies on a national level, to let people who want to buy insurance have their preexisting conditions covered and to make states raise their Medicaid eligibility to 133% of poverty (some states don't even cover at half of poverty --a travesty).
Besides, it should be obvious that waiting for something better is not going to happen. Waiting is killing the current bill through a thousand cuts. It's not going to get better if we try again in June.