He goes to his place of worship and sits in the lobby. He is a pious and good man, and he does not have much. But, he knows there are people with less and wants to do what he can to help those less fortunate than he.
So he sits and waits.
A man in a black coat walks up to him and whispers, "So... what are you doin' here?"
The other responds, "I am trying to give some of my money to charity. I know that there are so many people in the world with so little, and I am happy with what I have. I'd like to make life just a little bit better for those without..."
The black coated man smiled a contemptuous grin, "You know that this church takes some of your donation to pay staff, right?"
"Well, I imagine that the church must cover some costs... Cleaning the floors, gardening, supplies and so on."
"And you know they use some of that money for electricity..."
"Well, of course."
"And your donation will only go to support corporations that bottle and ship milk and cereal and other food stuffs."
The philanthropist sighed and the man in the black coat continued, "Some of the money goes to postage too, and for stationary."
By now, the philanthropist is getting agitated by being questioned so much and asked, "What is your point sir?"
"If you give $100, don't you think that the people in need should get $100?"
Standing up, the philanthropist looked the black coated man in the eye and said with a tinkle in his eye, "Even if just $1 gets to someone in need, I have done my duty."
Pass health care reform.