GOP Senators Unite Behind Strategy To Bleed Reconciliation To Death
Looks like the Senate GOP caucus is all in on the strategy to bleed reconciliation to death with the “Byrd rule.”
I first reported here the other day that anonymous Senate GOP aides had developed a strategy to stall or derail reform: Invoke the “Byrd rule” to strip individual provisions out of the reconciliation fix, forcing it back to the House for new votes countless times.
For a refresher on that, go here.
Well, now the Senate GOP leadership is doubling down on the strategy, saying publicly that the entire GOP caucus is united behind it. All 41 GOP Senators have signed a letter to Harry Reid pledging to use this tactic:
In that regard, to endeavor to ensure that the reconciliation process is not used to fast-track an unpopular bill through Congress, we wish to inform you that we will oppose efforts to waive the so-called Byrd Rule during Senate consideration of any reconciliation bill concerning health reform. The Byrd Rule, as you know, was created by Senator Byrd to ensure that reconciliation bills were not used to enact policy changes, the primary purpose of which is not specifically related to the federal budget. As it takes 60 votes to waive the Byrd Rule, we can ensure that any provision that trips the Byrd Rule will be stripped from the bill, which will require that the bill be sent back to the House for further consideration and additional votes.
This is a pretty striking move. There’s some debate about how effective this strategy will prove. GOP aides inisist that Dems will not be able to craft a reconciliation bill that’s bulletproof. Some Dems privately express similiar concerns, while others think whoever is chairing the proceedings — Joe Biden, perhaps — will be able to brush aside these procedural cobwebs.
But given the murkiness of Senate procedure, this doesn’t seem like something one can be certain about. And the question is whether this will succeed in spooking House Dems into believing the reconciliation fix will fail, leading them to be even more reluctant to pass the Senate bill in the first place. Full letter here.