Public Policy Polling (3/5-8, registered voters, no trend lines):
Kendrick Meek (D): 33
Charlie Crist (R): 46
Undecided: 22
Kendrick Meek (D): 39
Marco Rubio (R): 44
Undecided: 18
Kendrick Meek (D): 25
Marco Rubio (R): 34
Charlie Crist (I): 27
Undecided: 14
Charlie Crist (D): 34
Marco Rubio (R): 43
Undecided: 22
(MoE: ±3.4%)
It's clear that the situation is pretty dire for Charlie Crist. Already facing a primary challenge that has proven so overwhelming that Crist has resorted in recent days to ridiculous allegations of back waxing against his opponent, it's looking like the path to victory for Crist in a general election as an indie or a Democrat don't look particularly promising, either.
While he once seemed invincible, Crist has plummeted back down to earth much like his fellow governors around the nation. His approval rating is at a quite bad 35-51, and almost half the electorate -- 47%! -- say they want him "out of elected office" next year. Ouch.
We've seen similar permutations of this race polled before. Back in November, Research 2000 had Crist doing quite a bit better as an independent or as a Democrat, but that same poll also gave him a 59-32 favorable rating. Even if PPP is not quite on the mark with this poll, I'd bet serious money that Crist's favorables have taken a big hit since November.