As reporters peered out of the tinted windows of their charter bus at the small throng of pro-Obama supporters outside St. Charles High School yesterday, one woman – standing next to stroller and brandishing an strange placard – stood out from the crowd.
Her name was Sara Miller and she was holding a sign that read: “#1 Obama Generation -- Bi-Racial Baby Born 10:56 p.m., Nov. 4, 2008 -- Mikal Woods.”
As Miller’s one-and-half year-old son slept contentedly under an Obama baseball cap in the stroller, she explained the sign.
“He was born during Obama’s acceptance speech and I wanted him to see the president,” said Miller, a 26-year-old waitress from nearby O’Fallon, Missouri. “I was a big Obama supporter... It’s pretty lonely around here being an Obama person, it’s a pretty Republican town.”
“Mikal has Medicaid,” she said. “But I work at Chevy’s, it’s a good job, but I make a little too much too qualify and too little to buy my own.”