Politics can be a hobby, but that does mean the consequences of politicians' actions don't have serious consequences. In this country, today, how can any progressive seriously justify supporting Romanoff in his disingenuous bid to become a US senator,--regardless of the risks to the country. Yes, country! By any measure, Sen Bennet is one of the more progressive members of the Senate, and there's every reason (see www.coloradopols.com for daily updates) to expect he will become a strong leader of this wing of the Dems. With scarce financial and other resources, all Coloradans should be not working against him; it only strengthens the Republican candidate in the November election. Romanoff has taken 25% of his political contributions from PACs (including his very own, until he closed it just a few weeks ago), and yet his main pitch is that he is now not taking PAC contributions whereas Bennet is. Bennet has been honest about this necessity (thank goodness, how are we going to elect any national officials without such contributions in these times), whereas Romanoff has been evasive. On that basis, which is more likely of the 2 to be a respected leader on the issue of campaign reform? Bennet has had real life success in reforming Denver public schools, turning the city management crisis around as Mayor Hickenlooper's chief of staff, and in the private sector; Romanoff, by contrast, has been a professional politician only. So, while it might "feel good" to simply oppose a one year "incumbent," it really doesn't make any sense to subsittute a career politician for a new politician who has been in office only for one year and is doing an impressive job. Fine, honor Romanoff for his past accomplishments; but let's not reward his reckless drive for self-aggrandizement (really, is there any other reason he believes he will actually do any better in the US Senate than Bennet?) by making him our senator. Not this time, not in this race.