Final March Day 1: Spread the FactsIt's time to show the insurance lobbyists that no smear campaign can match the power of millions ready for change and committed to the truth. If you haven't already, please download the fliers and posters below, and make sure everyone in your community sees the facts about reform. the President's plan for reform:If you have health insurance through your employer and you like your plan, you can keep it.
If you're a small business owner, you'll receive new tax credits that make it easier for you to provide coverage for employees if you choose to do so.
If you have Medicare, the President's plan guarantees that your benefits will not be cut, and the Medicare Trust Fund will be extended for more than 9 years.
If you're uninsured, you could receive a tax credit to help pay for coverage if needed -- part of the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history.
If you buy your own insurance, there will be new protections from insurance company abuses, and tax credits will make coverage more affordable.
The President's plan guarantees that:You will never be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.
You will never again be hit with arbitrary health insurance premium hikes.
If we do not pass reform:Up to 17 million more people will be uninsured by 2019.
Insurers can continue their massive and arbitrary premium rate increases -- such as Anthem Blue Cross raising rates for customers in California by nearly 40%, and rates in Illinois going up by as much as 60%.
As many as 275,000 people could die prematurely over the next 10 years because they don't have health insurance.
The average family's health care costs will nearly double by 2020, from $13,000 to $24,000.