With all the discussion on health care and what needs to be done, what can be done and what won't be done, it would be interesting to see others share what health care crisis they or their loved ones are going through right now and what is happening for better or worse.
For me, I have my mother who was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Her first doctor wanted to remove the bladder and have her using a colostomy bag for the rest of her life. The second opinion provided a more holistic approach and the doctor was irate that a doctor wanted to rip put an organ and even endanger the patient (my mother) with the very strong possibility that the cancer would spread sooner and quicker.
After a lot of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, my mother was given a good bill of health and feels very lucky she made it through the storm.
On the other hand, I have a niece who has been fighting cancer for a couple years and the treatment has essentially stopped due to her being too weak to go through the rigorous chemotherapy and other treatments to stop the cancer, which has spread throughout her body. She may die next week, next month or sometime in the near future. Her parents have tried everything they could to stop what appears to be the inevitable. It's sad as hell and I'm a wreck and cannot even imagine the heartbreak that my sister and her family are going through.
Both my mother and my niece have what would be considered "cadillac" plans and both have gotten top-drawer advisement and medical treatment.
If they were more middle-class or didn't have coverage from being in the military, I can only imagine the lack of coverage or the lack of money to get good treatment that would have made the story even more tragic.