the man of the 1950s, or something like that.
I'm mainly talking about the treatment that Republicans receive from the Corporate media. It appears that they, as a group, are rarely discriminated against, and suffer unequal superior protection when compared to their counterparts, the Democrats.
This is not a new observation; just something I wanted to reiterate.
Democrats get combative questions from the media that read word for word Republican talking points; Democrats are challenged on their every answers, and nothing that is a Democratic talking point ever is adopted by the media.....
Yet, Republican talking points are all over the media...... such as, "bill being shoved down the throat of the American people", the Nuclear Option being conflated with reconciliation, and now.....that Republicans will make health care their winning issue against Democrats in 2010.
Republicans get soft questions from the Corporate media; Republicans are rarely seriously challenged on their answers, but allowed to spew on and on their talking points....with a "thank you, Sen/Rep/Mr. so and so" by the media spokesperson at the end.
Proof? Just watch!
Republicans are able to simply spew stats, and the media never seriously questions those stats.
Republicans are rarely if ever asked by the media why didn't they enact Health Care while they could, during their many years in power? And if a GOP answers some weak ass response, there is no follow up.
Republicans are rarely if ever asked asked how is it that they could vote for policies that increased the deficit under Bush, but are now howling over it? Rarely are they ever asked why they voted for tax cuts that were unpaid for, and that a Republican President supported, along with Medicare Part D, and the Wars.
Republicans are rarely if ever asked why they didn't get rid of earmarks when they were in power?
Republicans are rarely if ever asked why is it that they used reconciliation without a problem, but scream foul when the Democrats want to do the same?
Republicans are rarely if ever asked why they want to slow down financial regulation reforms, when they own Tea Party Folks hate the banks. How do they justify this?
Republicans are rarely if ever asked what exactly are Liz Cheney's qualification for being the spokesperson for Republicans on National Defense?
Republicans are rarely if ever asked why they can have health care paid for by American Taxpayers, but no one else can?
Republicans are rarely if ever asked why their guys like Vitter, Ensign, Sanford, can be accused of sordid ethical misconduct and keep on serving, and yet Republicans are the first to tell the Democrats who should resign for democrats caught doing the same things?
Republicans are rarely if ever asked why they get to appear on all of the talk shows, when Democrats weren't allowed the same kind of coverage when they were in the minority, i.e., John McCain is rarely if ever asked why as the losing candidate of a presidential election, he gets more media exposure in the first year of Obama's presidency than Kerry ever got even during the 2004 general election, when he was one of the candidates?
Now, I don't really fault Republicans for all of the lies they tell, and the shit they spew....That's who they are, and I figure they believe they can get away with it which is why they do it, and they would be right......but my question is WHY do they get away with it?
Why do we have a corporate media that allows those lies and shit to be spewed without any real challenge coming from them, the corporate media.....who say they are here to hold folks accountable, when they don't do that? A media that continues to tell us that Republicans are gonna clean up in 2010. A media that tells us everyday that the Republicans are winning the message war (because they, the media repeats the messages). A Media that goes along with making the Tea party people a real opposition group, when they are simply the Republicans folks who lost the last election.
Why do we have that kind of a media, and why aren't we, Democrats, doing something more about it.
It is my opinion that we need to do something in reference to this, because in effect, I believe that Democrats are being discriminated against simply for being Democrats, and I believe that this discrimination is affecting our populace in a way that should not be tolerated.
So when do WE fight the media? There's got to be a way besides working our little teeny media progressive media.
If we wait for our small teeny weeny progressive media to do the fighting, won't we almost always lose?
I'm asking cause I'm tired of being subjected to Media propaganda each and every day, when that is not what they are supposed to do. How do we call them out on their discrimination it forcefully?
We talk about how our Democrats in congress lay down and have no spine.... but where is our spine? ...cause all I see is us taking it, even if we do so by ignoring them, which doesn't make them go away.