This nonsense about not voting with the Democrats or never being pragmatic is nonsense.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Americans for Democratic Action 95 percent in 2008. Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association 100 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to National Farmers Union's position, Representative Kucinich received a rating of 75.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 93 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the The Humane Society Legislative Fund 108 percent in 2007-2008. Members of Congress who led as prime sponsors of pro-animal legislation received "extra-credit" equivalent to one vote or one co sponsorship, 17% for a Senator or 8% for a Representative of the House.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 100 percent in 2007-2008
2007-2008 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to Arab American Institute's position, Representative Kucinich received a rating of 100.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 100 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to Leadership Conference on Civil Rights's position, Representative Kucinich received a rating of 87.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the American Association of University Women 90 percent in 2007-2008..
2007-2008 In 2007-2008 National Education Association gave Representative Kucinich a grade of A.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Latin America Working Group 75 percent in 2008.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Environment America 85 percent in 2008.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 93 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 85 percent in the First and Second Sessions of Congress in 2007-2008..
2008 In 2008 Citizens for Global Solutions gave Representative Kucinich a grade of A.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Friends Committee on National Legislation 100 percent in 2008.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Peace Action West 100 percent in 2008
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association 100 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 0 percent in 2007-2008..
Agriculture Issues
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the National Association of Wheat Growers 89 percent in 2008.
2007-2008 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to National Farmers Union's position, Representative Kucinich received a rating of 75.
Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 93 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the The Humane Society Legislative Fund 108 percent in 2007-2008. Members of Congress who led as prime sponsors of pro-animal legislation received "extra-credit" equivalent to one vote or one co sponsorship, 17% for a Senator or 8% for a Representative of the House.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the The Humane Society of the United States 100+ percent in both sessions of Congress in 2007-2008.
Campaign Finance and Election Issues
2007 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the League of Women Voters 80 percent in 2007.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the American Association of University Women 90 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 In 2007-2008 National Education Association gave Representative Kucinich a grade of A.
Employment and Affirmative Action
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Latin America Working Group 75 percent in 2008.
Environmental Issues
2008b] Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Environment America 85 percent in 2008.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 93 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 85 percent in the First and Second Sessions of Congress in 2007-2008.
Foreign Aid and Policy Issues
2008 In 2008 Armenian National Committee of America gave Representative Kucinich a grade of B+.
2008 In 2008 Citizens for Global Solutions gave Representative Kucinich a grade of A.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Friends Committee on National Legislation 100 percent in 2008.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Peace Action West 100 percent in 2008.
2007-2008 In 2007-2008 Council for a Livable World gave Representative Kucinich a rating of 87 percent..
2007-2008 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation's position, Representative Kucinich received a rating of +3.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 93 percent in 2008
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the AFL-CIO - Lifetime 96 percent during their legislative career up until 2008..
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees 86 percent in 2008.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees - Lifetime 97 percent during their legislative career up until 2008.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Latin America Working Group 75 percent in 2008.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Service Employees International Union 100 percent in 2008.
2008 In 2008 United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers rated politicians in selected states. They gave Representative Kucinich a rating of 100.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Utility Workers Union of America 100 percent in 2008.
2007-2008 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to Federally Employed Women's position, Representative Kucinich received a rating of 80.
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the United Food & Commercial Workers 100 percent in 2007-2008.
2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Alliance for Retired Americans - Lifetime 92 percent during their legislative career up until 2008.
. 2007 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the PFLAG, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays 100 percent in 2007. .
2008 In 2008 Drum Major Institute for Public Policy gave Representative Kucinich a grade of A+.
2008 In 2008 NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby gave Representative Kucinich a rating of 83 percent
2007-2008 Based on the votes, committee votes, co-sponsorships and other leadership actions that took place between 2007-2008 the Secular Coalition for America assigned Representative Kucinich a grade of A+. With grades ranging from a high of A+ to a low of F.
2007-2008 In 2007-2008 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave Representative Kucinich a grade of A.
2006 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 100 percent in 2006.
2008 In 2008 The Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law gave Representative Kucinich a grade of 94 percent..
2007-2008 Representative Kucinich supported the interests of the American Association of University Women 90 percent in 2007-2008.
2007-2008 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to Federally Employed Women's position, Representative Kucinich received a rating of 80.
2007-2008 On the votes used to calculate its ratings, the National Organization for Women attaches more value to those votes it considers more important. For 2007-2008, the National Organization for Women gave Representative Kucinich a rating of 87 percent..