Illinois Treasurer and Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias released a statement Friday announcing he's donating to charity "all campaign contribution" he received from accused bank fraudster Nick Giannis and his family. The money is going to 10 state and local non-profits, according to Giannoulias's campaign.
Here's Giannoulias's statement: "As my campaign said yesterday, I am shocked and appalled by the news reports of the Giannis family's alleged horrible scheme to defraud banks in Chicago including my family's bank. Upon learning all of this, I instructed my campaign immediately to donate all campaign contributions from these individuals to non-profit organizations.
"While we're on the subject of returning donations, Mark Kirk has yet to answer if he is going to give back the nearly $3 million in contributions from the corporate special interests and Wall Street CEOs that fund his campaign in return for his repeated votes to protect their exorbitant bonuses. Like a typical Washington insider, he lapped up their dollars and then voted their way, whether it's opposing the TARP Reform and Accountability Act or trying to block the creation of a much-needed Consumer Finance Protection Agency. As much as he tries, Mark Kirk can not escape his anti-consumer, pro-corporate special interest record."