Hoyer Defends Controversial House ProcedureThe House majority leader, Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, defended on Tuesday the use of a procedural tool that would allow the House to pass a sweeping health care bill without a direct up-or-down vote on the legislation.
“It is consistent with the rules,’’ Mr. Hoyer said. “It is consistent with former practice.’’
House Democrats are so skittish about the Senate bill that they are considering a maneuver that would allow them to pass it without explicitly voting for it.
Democrats said they intended to pass the Senate health care bill and then approve a package of changes in a separate budget reconciliation bill. Under their tentative plan, the Senate bill would be “deemed passed” if and when the House adopts rules for debate on the budget reconciliation bill — or perhaps when the House passes the reconciliation bill.
The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said she intended to bring the legislation to a final vote within the next few days.