Democrats must at last learn from the GOP
Republicans complain about process, but scorn bipartisan niceties. Democrats should push back with equal force
By Joe Conason
The most troubling aspect of "deemed to have passed" -- the oddball procedure that the House Democratic leadership is considering as an alternative to the normal rules in passing healthcare reform -- is that
it gives the Republicans something else to talk about aside from the bill itself and the issues it is designed to address. From the beginning, subtraction by distraction -- whether framed as "death panels" or "backroom deals" -- has been the fundamental Republican strategy. Rarely have the Democrats answered with the forceful scorn that was appropriate.snip//
The will to stand and fight is the fundamental difference between the parties, which the current struggle over healthcare may yet begin to bring into closer balance.
At the moment, too many elected Democrats pay too much heed to David Brooks and the editorial page editors of the Washington Post, whose chief purpose in life is to oppose their interests and objectives. Democrats constantly worry that they won't seem sufficiently "bipartisan" and "responsible" if they employ the legislative and procedural tactics required to achieve their aims and enforce majority rule. Democrats are afraid to look bad.Republicans think David Brooks is a wuss, to put it politely, but at least he is their wuss. Republicans openly proclaim that bipartisanship is merely another cynical ploy, only to be used and then discarded in their quest to "defeat the left" -- a quest that to them has always meant dismantling the progressive achievements of the past century via permanent one-party rule. Republicans rarely worry whether they look bad to anyone beyond their narrow ideological base.
It's a style that can lead to excess and often does. But the
Democrats may at last get something done this week by emulating it. And they may be surprised by the respect they earn from the public -- and from their adversaries -- by standing up with strength for what they claim to believe most deeply.