The CO primaries are 5 months away, but Dems and GOPers across the state will take the first step toward choosing their '10 GOV and SEN nominees tonight when they convene at their local precinct caucuses. And for Sen. Michael Bennet (D) and ex-state House Speaker Andrew Romanoff (D), the results could play a large role in the shape of things to come.
Technically, the caucuses function more like a straw poll than an actual nominating event -- the results are not binding, nor do they determine which candidates' names will appear on the ballot in Aug.
But the results do serve as an early indicator of candidates' strength ahead of the real winnowing in May, when candidates must garner at least 30% of the delegate vote at their state party assemb. in order to make the primary ballot.
With Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (D) running unopposed for the GOV nod, the action on the Dem side will be in the SEN race. And for Romanoff, the question isn't whether he'll clear 30% tomorrow, but whether he can best Bennet, according to independent pollster Floyd Ciruli.