The Public Option is just that, an option. If you currently have health insurance and like it, you can keep it. However, if you do not have any coverage (47 million people in America do not), or are unhappy with your healthcare provider, you will have another choice.
The idea is to simply expand the Medicare network to everyone, and then charge them a fair premium for their coverage. In turn, this will provide competition with the existing providers who currently hold monopolies or oligopolies in most states. In many parts of the country, 80% of the healthcare market is controlled by one or two insurance companies.Currently one-third of the nation is under federal or state care. The expansion of the Medicare network is what provides value to the Public Option. The government spent millions of dollars and decades of effort to build an excellent network of doctors, hospitals, and labs. The Public Option allows the other two-thirds of Americans to benefit from this investment. If you already have Medicare, the only thing that changes are your co-payments for routine care, which will be eliminated, and the infamous “donut hole,” which will disappear.
The Public Option will not cover illegal aliens, ration health care, or create "death panels." These are paranoid delusions, promoted by fear-mongers. They simply aren’t true.
Most providers offer all the healthcare you need, as long as you don't need it. With this legislation, you cannot be denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Insurance companies will not be allowed to cut you off if you reach some arbitrary limit on medical expenses. Also providers will be required to spend 85% of insurance premiums on your care. Medicare spends 97%. The average for private insurance companies right now is 70%. The other 30% goes toward overhead, paperwork, and profit. That’s one reason insurance company profits have increased 800% in the last 8 years. We can no longer afford the status quo.
The Public Option provides real coverage and peace of mind. So, will you be better off or worse off with it? Now that you have the facts, you can decide. "
The above was taken DIRECTLY from his website. /