but I've noticed that since your reappearance in the last two days,
your Ops are more and more all the same.
This bill isn't Medicare for all, so no, it isn't a perfect panacea.
It will help many, but certainly not all.
I know that if the employer is a small firm,
with 50 or fewer employees, you can join the exchange, no problem.
Also, you may receive a voucher for the amount your employer would normally pay, if you work
for a firm which has 50 employees or more, and go shop on the exchange instead to see if there is a plan that offers better coverage and is more affordable available.
Further, there will be community clinics and non-profit hospitals who
would be required to see you no matter what you make, and your cost would be pro-rated based
on your income.
Establishing Health Insurance Exchanges. Opens health insurance Exchanges in each State to the individual and small group markets. This new venue will enable people to comparison shop for standardized health packages. It facilitates enrollment and administers tax credits so that people of all incomes can obtain affordable coverage.
Ensuring Choice through a Multi-State Option. Provides a choice of coverage through a multi¬State plan, available nationwide, and offered by private insurance carriers under the supervision of the Office of Personnel Management.
Providing Health Care Tax Credits. Makes premium tax credits available through the Exchange to ensure people can obtain affordable coverage. Credits are available for people with incomes above Medicaid eligibility and below 400 percent of poverty who are not eligible for or offered other acceptable coverage. They apply to both premiums and cost-sharing to ensure that no family faces bankruptcy due to medical expenses again.
Ensuring Choice through Free Choice Vouchers. Workers who qualify for an affordability exemption to the individual responsibility policy but do not qualify for tax credits can take their employer contribution and join an Exchange plan.
Promoting Employer Responsibility. Requires employers with 50 or more employees who do not offer coverage to their employees to pay $750 annually for each full-time employee as long as one of their employees receives a tax credit. Precludes waiting periods over 90 days and requires employers to pay $600 annually for each full-time employee in a waiting period of more than 60 days. Requires employers who offer coverage but whose employees receive tax credits to pay $3,000 for each worker receiving a tax credit up to a cap of $750 per full-time employee.
Non-Profit Hospitals. Establishes new requirements applicable to nonprofit hospitals beginning in 2010, including periodic community needs assessments.