Supporters of healthcare reform hold a rally outside the Saban Free Clinic on the eve of this weekends historic vote on the reform of the US health system, in Los Angeles on March 17, 2010. US President Barack Obama's health care overhaul got a boost ahead of a likely weekend vote as a Democrat once fiercely against the bill threw his support to the historic legislation. Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich vowed to keep fighting for a nationalized health plan but worried he might be 'the deciding vote' in a fight that could leave Obama's still-young presidency in shambles. The bill aims to extend health coverage to at least 31 million Americans who currently lack it, end abusive insurance company practices, and curb soaring health care costs that already run double those of other rich countries.
http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2010/03/rep_dennis_kucinichs_health_ca.html">Rep. Dennis Kucinich's health care switch encourages Democrats Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) holds a news conference to announce he will vote for the Senate version of the health care reform on March 17, 2010 on Capitol Hill in Washington DC.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/03/17/luck-irish">Green The water in the fountain on the North Lawn of the White House is dyed green in honor of St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)
President Barack Obama meets with Ireland's Prime Minister Brian Cowen in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on St. Patrick's Day, Wednesday, March 17, 2010.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/17/AR2010031703537.html?hpid=topnews">Congress sends Obama $18 billion jobs bill to sign WASHINGTON - MARCH 17: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) delivers brief remarks before signing the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act during an enrollment ceremony with Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) in her office at the U.S. Capitol March 17, 2010 in Washington, DC. The bill now travels down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House where President Barack Obama is expected to sign it.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/03/17/first-ladys-interview">Video: The First Lady Talks "Let's Move" with Newsweek US First Lady Michelle Obama participates in Newsweek Magazine�s Executive Forum on childhood obesity entitled, �Challenges and Ways to Promote Health and Wellness in America�s Communities� on March 17, 2010 at the Newseum in Washington DC.
http://www.pollster.com/blogs/rising_tide_for_hcr_especially.php">Rising Tide for HCR, Especially Among Dems OAKLAND, CA - MARCH 17: Clinic workers hold signs and chant during a rally in support of US President Barack Obama's health care reform package March 17, 2010 in Oakland, California. As the U.S. Congress prepares to vote on President Obama's historic health care reform package, dozens of local clinic workers staged a rally in support of the reform and urged congressional leaders to vote yes on the reform package.
President Barack Obama addresses the Friends of Ireland luncheon at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., March 17, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. , listens as President Barack Obama, rear, speaks during a Friends of Ireland luncheon for St. Patrick's Day, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 17, 2010.
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel looks at his cell phone as he leaves the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, March 17, 2010, after accompanying President Barack Obama, not pictured, to the Friends of Ireland luncheon for St. Patrick's Day.
US President Barack Obama holds a bowl of shamrocks presented to him by Prime Minister Brian Cowen of Ireland, alongside First Lady Michelle Obama (R) during a St. Patrick's Day reception in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, March 17, 2010.
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama (R) stands alongside Mary Cowen, wife of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen, during a St. Patrick's Day reception in the East Room of the White House in Washington March 17, 2010.