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Boehner . . . Don't Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’

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ensho Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-18-10 10:55 AM
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Boehner . . . Don't Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’

Boehner Tells Bankers To Fight Financial Reform: ‘Don’t Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’

This week, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) released the latest version of his financial regulatory reform bill, which aims to correct the deficiencies in the financial system that led to 2008’s economic crisis. The House of Representatives has already passed a comprehensive regulatory reform bill, and now that Dodd has given up on negotiating with recalcitrant Republicans, he is moving on an expedited timeline, with a markup scheduled for Monday.


Boehner then added that the bankers should be standing up for themselves against “those little punk staffers” trying to write new regulations:

“Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves,” Boehner said. “All of us are hearing from our friends and constituents on lack of credit, you can’t get a loan, the more your government takes and taxes, the more regulations you have to comply with the more cost you have there and less amount you are going to have available to loan to customers.”

The fact that he’s willing to let another year lapse without putting in place new rules for Wall Street shows exactly where Boehner’s priorities lie. But it should come as no surprise, considering what Republicans have been up to this year.

In February, Boehner met “over drinks” with JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, where he “made a pitch” for Wall Street support by explaining that “Republicans had stood up to Mr. Obama’s efforts to curb pay and impose new regulations.” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, “said he visited New York about twice a month to try to tap into Wall Street’s ‘buyers remorse’” with Democrats. These pitches had some effect too; last year, “major Wall Street players began sending an increasing share of their donations to Republicans.”

Prior to Boehner’s speech, American Bankers Association President Edward Yingling urged delay in the financial reform effort, because “every day that passes gives more leverage to .” In his career, Boehner has received $3.4 million from the financial services industry, which is $1.2 million more than he’s received from any other industry.

whose the punk? all together now BOEHNER
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baldguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-18-10 10:57 AM
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1. He must mean those people in the tea bagger protest the other day.
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Skinner ADMIN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-18-10 10:59 AM
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2. This is a no-brainer: Financial reform is our winning issue this year.
Between now and November, we need to make the Republicans defend the banks over and over again. Make them vote against financial reform a hundred times if we can. They cannot win. Between their no-regulation teabaggers on the right, and everyone else who hates bankers, the GOP is screwed.
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Guy Whitey Corngood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-18-10 11:01 AM
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3. They seem hell bent on providing ammunition for DNC commercials this year. Yet i
bet we won't hear shit from Democrats.
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denimgirly Donating Member (929 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-18-10 11:01 AM
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4. If U Vote precisely opposite to Republicans while having no clue what the vote is for...
Edited on Thu Mar-18-10 11:04 AM by denimgirly
can make a great leader out of you. I am always amazed at how republicans prefer the things that pretty much shit on people...right now i cant think of a single thing where if they prefer one particular choice i will like it too...So i am just wondering if one could become a member of congress and have absolutely no clue what is going on and just vote in the exact opposite way that republicans do. Doing this it appears this person would become the champion for the people.
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LatteLibertine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-18-10 11:16 AM
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5. Boner doesn't even try to hide it
Edited on Thu Mar-18-10 11:22 AM by LatteLibertine
I'm not sure why any United States citizen who isn't part of the most wealthy 10% of our nation votes Republican.

Folks under that bracket are invisible save around election time. Then they are handed empty rhetoric until the cycle is over.
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Blue Owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-18-10 11:23 AM
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6. What's that -- Boner's got a little staff?
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