:rofl: He's got either a great writer or great sense of humor, or both!
Biden Zings Liz Cheney At RTCA Dinner: Now She's 'Questioning If Tom Brady Is A Real Patriot' (VIDEO)
Jillian Rayfield | March 18, 2010, 11:07AM
Vice President Joe Biden keynoted the Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner last night and got in some good zingers, including one about Liz Cheney: "Now she's questioning if Tom Brady is a real Patriot."
He first joked about his trip to the Middle East: "It's great to be back in a place where a boom in housing construction is actually a good thing."
Biden added that though attempting to broker a Mideast peace deal is tough, it's a "hell of a nice break from health care."
He also talked a bit about St. Patrick's Day, which was the same day as the dinner. St. Patrick, Biden explained, is credited with banishing snakes from Ireland even though St. Patrick made up the whole tale of snakes being there in the first place.
That's why, he said, St. Patrick is "the patron saint of Fox News."
Biden allowed that TV and radio correspondents have "a pretty tough job," though sometimes they exhibit an extreme "lack of self awareness."
He asked them to give Republicans a break when they complain about how long the health care reform bill is: "Just ask Sarah - that's a hell of a lot to write on the palm of your hand."
Watch at link~