Americans Expect Health Bill to Mainly Help Poor, Uninsured
Americans believe most groups will be worse off
by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- The majority of Americans believe the healthcare bill Congress is currently considering will benefit those who lack health insurance and lower-income families. Americans tend to see more negative than positive effects on most other groups in society.

The findings that more Americans believe the new legislation will make things worse rather than better for the U.S. as a whole, as well as for them personally, are consistent with previous Gallup polls showing a slight negative tilt when Americans are asked if they support the new plan.
Some experts have argued that the medical establishment will benefit from the new legislation because millions of Americans will suddenly gain health insurance and therefore become healthcare consumers. Americans disagree, perhaps related to President Obama's and congressional Democrats' recent attacks on the insurance industry. By significant margins, Americans perceive that health insurance companies, doctors, and hospitals will be worse off rather than better off if the new bill becomes law.