and might lose anyway in November 2010..
"Arcuri to face third party challenge" "New York's Working Families Party, which has outsized influence in state politics and its own ballot line, is actively recruiting a candidate to run against Upstate Rep. Mike Arcuri, who says he'll vote against health care legislation.
"If Rep. Arcuri sides with the insurance companies against the middle-class and working-class voters of his district, they'll go elsewhere, and we are in active conversation with several people who we think would make excellent third-line challengers in this race," WFP executive director Dan Cantor told me.
The party prides itself on not playing the spoiler, but "this is a fault-line moment," Cantor said. "This is the most important vote he will cast in his career in Congress."
Arcuri won his seat by nearly 10,000 votes, and won more than 9,000 of them on the Working Families line, so just denying him the line — much less running a serious challenge — could cost him his seat.
And the challenge will draw national attention.
"Over 8000 MoveOn members are asking the same question today: If Mike Arcuri wasn't willing to stand with them on this historic vote, can the depend on him to represent him in the future. Seems like the answer is no," said MoveOn communications director Ilyse Hogue.
Greg Sargent reports that SEIU will also support a challenger."