was it worth..... the seven-hundred-and-thirteen billion dollars that has been spent so far on this conquest, much of it on private contractors?
the million plus dead Iraqi boys, girl, women and men who like most of the world, were merely trying to live their lives?
the millions of people in America who've lost a friend, relative, or spouse to the war forever or who have been handicapped?
the desensitizing of most of the American public to warfare to the point that hardly anyone talks about the ongoing war in Iraq?
the crimes committed by private military contractors and troops who chose to ignore protocol and inflicted pain or death on others, even some in the US military?
and was it worth it the world's great sadness when its shining beacon of hope from WWII - the United States of America - became an oppressive aggressor that would ignore millions of world citizens coming out to tell the "selected, not elected" president that his war was not something we approved of, and all the trust of America was lost?
I remember that week very well when it all started. I was so disgusted that the weapons inspectors had been forced to leave, and watched as young men I knew cheered on the bombing that night after Lil Boots got on TV to show daddy how tough he was. Three Million people rallied in Rome against the US plans to invade Iraq. Upwards of 30 Million anti-war protesters rallied in separate marches on the weekend before the war in over 800 cities from Puerto Rico to Portugal, and Tunisia to Tokyo. CIA officials have since revealed that Lil Boots was told there was no evidence of WMD's (war crimes), and yet, with "God" telling him that he should go through with it, the warmonger sent a large American invasion force into Iraq to get WMD's, then it was to get Saddam, then it was to democratize them, then to get Al Qaida, eventually people just tuned them out as we got tired of hearing from the bought-and-paid-for reporters tell us the terrorists were going to put explosives in a pen to kill us, and that's why people just hear "Iraq War" and think "mistake" and move on with their lives - but we will never be able to live down what was done with our American might and lifeblood that was cloaked shamefully in God's name - and I don't think we ever should be allowed to.
It is very important that President Obama follow his commentary in a speech in 2009 and end the combat in Iraq on August 31, 2010 and come through on his promises in the election to end the B*sh War.
The world is watching and waiting, and I hope he won't let us down.
(To those who have died for no reason, I dedicate this post)