Labor groups join to urge Lynch to reconsider 'no' vote on healthcare
By Michael O'Brien - 03/20/10 11:08 AM ET
Top labor groups joined forces Saturday to urge Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) to support health reform legislation.
The AFL-CIO and members of the Change to Win coalition, which is associated with the SEIU, wrote Lynch to urge him to reconsider his decision to vote against Democrats' healthcare bill.
"We fully understand your concerns that this bill does not do enough to hold insurance companies accountable, but this bill is an enormous first step in the right direction," the groups wrote to Lynch, a former president of an ironworkers' union in Boston before being elected to Congress.
Lynch, who'd voted to support Democrats' healthcare bill in November, announced he would vote no this time, citing concerns over the process being used to move forward with the health legislation. The move was seen as a surprise switch.
"Congressman, we will not be able to explain to the working women and men
of our union why you voted against their interests," the groups wrote. "We have stood together time and time again and you have made an enormous difference in the lives of our members."
Find a copy of the entire letter and its signatories below the jump.
March 19, 2010
Congressman Stephen F. Lynch
88 Black Falcon Avenue
Suite 340
Boston, MA 02210
Dear Representative Lynch:
America has been trying for more than 100 years to enact comprehensive healthcare reform, and the voices of working women and men have been at the forefront of this movement at every turn and in every decade. Working men and women throughout Massachusetts have stood up time and time again – and we are asking that you stand with us now.
Congress has an opportunity to make history and improve the lives of millions of working families. This bill is not perfect, but if Congress does not pass it, we cannot work together to improve it. We fully understand your concerns that this bill does not do enough to hold insurance companies accountable, but this bill is an enormous first step in the right direction. In this year alone, insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny care to children with pre-existing illnesses, lifetime caps on coverage will be lifted, and parents would be able to keep their children on their policies up to age 26.
If Congress passes this legislation, together, we can continue to strengthen consumer protections, increase market competition, and ensure that insurance companies no longer have a stranglehold on consumers. If Congress doesn’t pass the bill, none of this is possible. All we are left with is the status quo.
Congressman, we will not be able to explain to the working women and men of our union why you voted against their interests. We have stood together time and time again and you have made an enormous difference in the lives of our members.
It takes courage to make history. We know that you have always had the courage to do the right thing – national health reform is the right thing for Massachusetts families.
Please stand with us once again and do the right thing.
Robert Haynes, President, Mass AFL-CIO
Mike Fadel, Executive Vice President, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East
Rich Rogers, President, Greater Boston Labor Council
Mark Erlich, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Carpenters
Jeff Crosby, President, North Shore Labor Council
Frank X. Callahan, Jr., President, Mass Building Trades Council
Bruce T. Boccardy, President, SEIU Local 888
Francis X. Callahan, Jr., President, Massachusetts Building Trades
Council, AFL-CIO
Rocio Saenz, President, SEIU Local 615
Tony Caso, Executive Director, AFSCME Council 93
Peter Wright, Political Director, AFSCME Council 93
Michael Mazzini, MD, SEIU Local 1957 CIR
Michael Grunko, President, SEIU Local 509
Gary Sullivan, President, UWUA Local 369
James Coyle, General Agent, Metropolitan Boston Buildings Trade Council
Tom Gosnell, President, American Federation of Teachers
Don Boehner President of UAW 1596
Bob Madore, President, UAW Region 9A
Edward Collins, Executive Vice President, Massachusetts AFL-CIO
Frank Rigiero, National Business Agent, New England Region, APWU
James Pinkham, President, Plymouth/Bristol Central Labor Council
Stephen Lukosus, National Business Agent, New England Region, APWU
Mark Govoni, Vice President and Political Director, UFCW Local 1445
Joseph P. Carlson, President, Central Mass. AFL-CIO