Edited on Sat Mar-20-10 12:34 PM by FormerDittoHead
Oops. I guess that's been re-written.
You have a very good point.
ANOTHER problem I've seen in this situation is this narrative is how the insurance companies have been "fighting" the bill, as if there's this "bill" out there which strips them of everything.
"If it won't hurt them, why are they fighting it so much?"
As the Republicans frame arguments by using certain expressions, this does the same thing for Democrats. Let's look at the frame.
The implied argument is that on the one hand, you have the President and the Democrats (and Bernie Sanders) fighting for something which gets us closer to single payer and will eventually get us there. What they're (on edit: typo) fighting for is a complete crippling of insurance companies and they will be forced to go to near-bankruptcy under the regulations they will be saddled with! Their profits will be SLASHED!
The Republicans, on the other hand, are the only ones receiving money from PHARMA and MedCo. Their opposition they've put into it is the only support that the insurance companies have in the situation, culminating in a unanimous vote against the HCR, in spite of Obama trying to win their votes by making one compromise after another.
But, excuse me, that narrative is BULLSHIT. Insurance companies have been pulling the strings ON BOTH SIDES from BEFORE the beginning of this...
Here's the FACT: you CAN'T mandate people to buy insurance UNLESS there is no rescission or rejection due to existing conditions. Think about that from the side of the insurance company: "How can we get gov't to mandate everyone buy our services and even pay for those (including our markup for profits) who can't afford it?" "Well, there's NO WAY we could sell that to the American people if there was anyone excluded from some kind (no matter how minimal) coverage..."
BTW: It's the same for Social Security. NO WAY people will put money "into" it unless they can expect to get it OUT.
So you're right. NOW THAT WE'RE GOING WITH RECONCILIATION, this whole "we'll fix it later" is a total canard - it's BULLSHIT.