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Vote on Health Bill Today Caps a Journey Back From the Brink

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 05:30 AM
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Vote on Health Bill Today Caps a Journey Back From the Brink
Edited on Sun Mar-21-10 05:34 AM by babylonsister

Vote on Health Bill Today Caps a Journey Back From the Brink
Published: March 20, 2010

WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi was at her wits’ end, and she let President Obama know it.

Scott Brown, the upstart Republican, had just won his Senate race in Massachusetts, a victory that seemed to doom Mr. Obama’s dream of overhauling the nation’s health care system. The White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, once Ms. Pelosi’s right hand man on Capitol Hill, was pushing Mr. Obama to scale back his ambitions and pursue a pared-down bill.

Mr. Obama seemed open to the idea, though it was clearly not his first choice. Ms. Pelosi scoffed.

“Kiddie care,” she called the scaled-down plan, derisively, in private.

In a series of impassioned conversations, over the telephone and in the Oval Office, she conveyed her frustration to the president, according to four people familiar with the talks. If she and Harry Reid, the Senate Democratic leader, were going to stick out their necks for Mr. Obama’s top legislative priority, Ms. Pelosi wanted assurances that the president would too. At the White House, aides to Mr. Obama say, he also wanted assurances; he needed to hear that the leaders could pass his far-reaching plan.

“We’re in the majority,” Ms. Pelosi told the president. “We’ll never have a better majority in your presidency in numbers than we’ve got right now. We can make this work.”

Now, in what could become a legislative Lazarus tale — or at least the most riveting cliffhanger of the Obama presidency so far— the House is set to take up the health bill for what Democrats hope will be the last time.

For Mr. Obama, who vowed earlier this month to do “everything in my power” to see the bill to fruition, the measure’s passage would be an extraordinary triumph. Its defeat could weaken him for the rest of his days in office.

That Mr. Obama has come this far — within a whisper of passing historic social legislation — is remarkable in itself. But the story of how he did it is not his alone. It is the story of how a struggling president partnered with a pair of experienced legislators — Ms. Pelosi and, to a lesser extent, Mr. Reid — to reach for a goal that Mr. Obama has often said had eluded his predecessors going back to Theodore Roosevelt.

Their journey over the last two months, interviews with White House aides, lawmakers, outside advisers, lobbyists and political strategists show, involved tensions, resolve, political spadework — and a little bit of luck.

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TransitJohn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 06:02 AM
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1. puffpiece
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 06:04 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. That's your opinion. I found it interesting because it walks us through
the process of how we got where we are with some behind-the-scenes info we haven't been privy to.
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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 06:10 AM
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3. WTF??? What took them so long overcoming the GOPiacs? They made themselves so vulnerable to defeat i...

Poor GOPers, never seen it coming until the W TrainWreck of 2001 - 2009

During this 2x tenure....Mr Bush confirmed our worst fears......the man was qualied for the position only because of age and natural born citizenry...inept, arrogant, spoiled, he went on to almost devaste the Nation because of poor decisions...

Thank You President Obama for a job well done addressing avoiding a depression.
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