Irony abounds.
What Rove was trying to say, and failing, was "epithets." The one who was actually throwing around epi
taphs was Karl Rove.
(More of this exchange on Prosense post here:
Paul Krugman
March 21, 2010, 11:48 am
Throwing Around Epitaphs
It sounds as if Rove expects heath reform to pass — and strangely, he doesn’t seem as delighted as he should be if he really believes it will be a political disaster for Democrats.
David Plouffe and Karl Rove, this morning on This Week:Rove: “This thing is paid for with Bernie-Madoff-style accounting. … It’s a gigantic disaster.”
Plouffe: “Karl and the Republicans would be familiar with that.”
Rove: “You will bankrupt the country if this bill passes. … For God’s sake, will you stop throwing around epitaphs and deal with the facts for once, David? … We will fight the election on this,. and the Democrats will have significant losses in the House and Senate as a result of this bill.”
Plouffe: “If Karl and a lot of Republicans want to call the election already, they ought to break out that ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner.”
Rove: “That’s cheesy, David. … You should not denigrate the mission of the USS Abraham Lincoln.”