the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.
Only, the hardliners overlooked a few key facts: Obama was elected with 53% of the vote, not Clinton’s 42%. The liberal block within the Democratic congressional caucus is bigger and stronger than it was in 1993-94. And of course the Democrats also remember their history, and also remember the consequences of their 1994 failure.
This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.
This is the part that caught my attention. I remember back to the early 2000's when we complained bitterly about compromising Democrats. However, had we considered the impact on us politically for
not compromising? I suppose it's up for debate, and I'm sure that those who disagree will speak loudly, but I truly believe that the 2000 Congressional Democrats, especially following the 2001 Terror Attacks, were thinking far ahead in their strategy. Sure, it makes the party base feel good when a politician stands firm, curses the opposition and refuses to budge on principles. But look at this - we are
making history! This is an effort fought over for a century, and we are realizing the
beginning of that dream.