This is from a blog which I read:
ObamaCare Coming to America
By John ⋅ March 21, 2010 ⋅
This was no rehearsal. The future of Healthcare reform was already poised on a knife edge, and along with it, was his future.
An Historic Day
The twenty first day of March 2010 will likely go down in US history as the day when America took a more compassionate view concerning the living welfare of it’s citizens. If on this day, voting in the House and later in the week in the Senate, go as anticipated, everything the Republicans threatened, will be recognised for what it truly was. As empty political threats, based on a flawed misreading of the needs of the American people. A GOP attempt to deny ordinary citizens healthcare benefits, that they as politicians receive as a matter of special privilege.
The Democratic Revival
While the process of delivering the largest financial bill since Medicare has been tense and terribly untidy over the past 15 months, the dedication and teamwork of the Democratic congressional leadership team of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid has been outstanding. Delivery of this long awaited reform to America’s Healthcare system, should by November, enable Democrats to increase their representation in Congress on the back of such an important victory against all the odds and predictions of the naysayers.
Better Late than Never
While the President was unduly late in entering the legislative fray, the inspirational magic and pragmatism of Barack Obama has at last provided a foundation for Healthcare reform which in due course will be further improved once the benefits of the initial Healthcare model become apparent and take effect. It was always clear that the Republicans would fight hard against passing Healthcare reform for political reasons, in the misguided belief that it would kill any chance of an Obama second term in the White House in 2012. They appear to have failed.