First, as I (and others) have said before, the Republican Party is PETRIFIED right now. Totally petrified. Their big wet dream was to win back control of Congress in the fall, and the very notion is flying away from them faster than shit through a goose. Their ONLY hope is to try to demonize the health bill, and they KNOW when the public sees crystal clear that on balance it does GOOD things and that the world has not ended, Obama and Democrats will be REWARDED for it. Yes, REWARDED. The R's have decided to listen to the RADICAL wing of their party lock stock and barrel, and they are going to look like nothing but RADICAL SAY NO TO EVERYTHING PATHETIC OBSTRUCTIONISTS COME FALL, AND NOTHING ELSE. The economy will continue to inch forward, and Dems WILL NOT lose control of Congress.
And as to the TeaBaggers, our meme at every single turn must be that they are REPUBLICANS. And they ARE. This horseshit about them being some "new movement" is a whole lot of bullshit and anyone with a brain knows it. The TeaBaggers, shown from ALL of their behavior, are nothing but a pathetic crowd of Glenn/Rush lovers, completely ignorant, largely stupid, and mostly racist. And they are overwhelmingly Republican voters. The TeaBaggers don't really care about "small government" (MANY are on all kinds of government programs, etc.), they are simply PISSED OFF that a black man was elected President and they want to see him fail. That is what this is really ALL about. Look at them. Almost entirely caucasian, male, middle aged or older, and with their paunch stomachs and baseball caps, or in other words, IGNORANT STUPID REPUBLICAN REDNECKS. End of story.