Obama plans blitz to boost public opinion of health-care effortBy Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 22, 2010
President Obama is set to begin an immediate public relations blitz aimed at turning around Americans' opinion of the health-care bill.
Planning inside the West Wing for the post-vote period has proceeded quietly, even as the president and his allies on Capitol Hill were fighting for the measure's passage.
Reshaping the legislation's image will take place in three phases, White House aides said: the immediate aftermath; the seven months until the November midterm elections; and the several years that follow, during which many provisions in the measure will gradually take effect.
Driving the message during those periods is the belief among Obama's top advisers that Republicans have boxed themselves into a corner with unanimous opposition to the legislation and talk of a repeal.
"The Republicans have way overshot the runway in their criticism of health reform," said White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer.
In the coming days, Obama plans to take several trips across the nation to counter what Democrats expect will be an onslaught of criticism and misinformation about the overhaul.
Administration officials are also preparing talking points and fact sheets that lawmakers can take home with them on their Easter vacation, Obama advisers said. Those documents are being developed with Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, aides said.
That immediate help -- along with efforts by the Democratic National Committee, its Organizing for America project and outside groups that supported the health-care legislation -- could be critical to Democrats' hope of retaining control of Congress in the November elections.