In a sane country, Republicans would be running away from those two words as fast as they possibly can. When it looked like the health care bill wasn't going to pass, this was good political strategy. The GOP could attack a hypothetical bill on the basis that it contained horrible, scary death panels, for which it was difficult to disprove, and if they killed the bill nobody would have ever known the difference. The problem now is that it's now going to be clear to all but the most delusional teabagger that there were never any death panels.
And if Democrats are smart, they will use this as a hammer against every single illogical Republican response to a constructive policy proposal for as long as they can. I truly believe that, if done right, these two words can enter the political lexicon in the same way as "swift boating" and in the same way as adding the word "gate" to any even remotely scandalous occurrence has become commonplace. This is an opportunity to show people that they are monumental liars, and I really hope that we do it.