worth it.
Watching the House yesterday was interesting to say the least. I had C-SPAN on in the background as I worked on the pc, much like one has a baseball game on, it's just there until you hear something interesting, like that "crack" when a well hit ball catches you attention and you turn to see if it's a homer. Yesterday was like that, a lot of the "usual" stuff that goes on in the House, but an occasional "crack" would get my attention. Often, this was the crack of the gavel as Jesse Jackson Jr would use it to bring the House in order.
As the day wore on, I could see that the House members, much like fans at a baseball game got a little rowdier, (I'd throw in the notion that beer was at the heart increase of "rowdiness", but I don't think they allow beer in that particular arena...;) ). But it all came to a head when Boehner took to the dais.
Watching his "passionate" diatribe, what first struck me was that he took on the issue as a defeated man w/o a clue as to how defeat came about. It was the last act of desperation after the reality of loss comes upon oneself. One last desperate attempt to "right a terrible loss", even while the inevitable is just moments away. The last act of a desperate man, the shouting, the defiance, the last gasp before defeat became the order of the day for the poorly "planned" GOP attack on HCR.
I sat transfixed while watching the melt down of Boehner, his symbolic speech showed me how incredibly callous the GOP had become. If one had not followed most of this through the past few months and tuned in to this for the first time, one would think we had come to the edge of complete disaster for the entire nation, one more step, and off the cliff we'd go.
Well, we're not going to die in our sleep, in fact, many more may live for considerably longer. The first steps have been taken, Boehner and his colleagues have lost a very important round, and we have moved forward. If we had listened to Boehner, w/his GOP following in step, we'd have nothing, absolutely nothing. They blew it when they had the chance to meet with the president and their D counterparts...and showed up with nothing. So Boehner brought this upon himself, goading on his GOP to virtually ensure defeat of what ever "plan" they had.
Watching him blow out last night was the icing on the cake. As many times as he has messed up before, he never messed up to the extent he did last night. I honestly believe he set the stage for 2nd party status of the GOP for many years to come. He railed, but he had no answers, no plan, he had nothing but a fake passion...the melodrama warmed my heart...I saw a man self destruct before my eyes, and it was a wonderful thing to watch.
And then, the Speaker of the House came up to bat...and I heard that "crack", knowing a homerun was just hit.