I think there are three important things to say about this bill; two in its favour and one against.
1) It is a non-trivial step in the right direction. 2) It will benefit the left and the Democrats significantly in November.
3) It will make a subsequent, larger step in the same direction in the future less likely.
1: In and of itself, this bill is clearly a good thing: it will make it easier for poorer Americans to afford healthcare. I haven't studied it in detail, but as far as I can see, it's pretty much strictly and improvement on what came before it. So, viewed in isolation, I'd be 100% in favour of it.
2: Failing to pass a big, high-profile bill with the words "Health Care Reform" in the title before the 2010 elections, while controlling all three branches of government, would have been catastrophic for the Democrats. Passing a bill which appears to be a moderately good thing is an added bonus. Whatever your views on the consequences of this bill for health care, it's undoubtedyl a good thing for Iraq, Afghanistan, control of the SCOTUS and hence preserving Roe vs Wade, the Middle East peace process, the environment, and the host of other issues where the Republicans are far worse than the Democrats.
3: On the other hand, I suspect that America only has the stomach for one big battle over health care reform every decade or two. This bill goes a *lot* less far than I'd have liked - ideally, I'd have liked to see the establishment of something along the lines of the NHS we have here in Britain - and I suspect it will sap some of the momentum for a future campaign to establish such a thing, or at least to arrange for the state to finance free-at-point-of-use healthcare.
So, not everything I'd hoped for but, on balance, a damn good thing. Or, if you prefer it the other way round, on balance a good thing, but far short of everything I'd hoped for.