House Talking Points: Health Reform Takes Effect “Immediately”
That was quick: The White House, going on offense in the wake of last night’s victory, is already distributing a new set of talking points to outside surrogates, for use on TV and to the media, instructing them to stress the elements of reform that take effect “immediately.”
The talking points, sent over by a recipient, are complete with exact dates of implementation for users to stress. A sample:
NO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST CHILDREN WITH PRE‐EXISTING CONDITIONS — Prohibits new health plans in all markets plus grandfathered group health plans from denying coverage to children with pre‐existing conditions. Effective 6 months after enactment.
IMMEDIATE HELP FOR THE UNINSURED UNTIL EXCHANGE IS AVAILABLE (INTERIM HIGH‐RISK POOL) — Provides immediate access to affordable insurance for Americans who are uninsured because of a preexisting condition — through a temporary subsidized high‐risk pool. Effective 90 days after enactment.
EXTENDS COVERAGE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE UP TO 26TH BIRTHDAY THROUGH PARENTS’ INSURANCE — Requires new health plans and certain grandfathered plans to allow young people up to their 26th birthday to remain on their parents’ insurance policy, at the parents’ choice. Effective 6 months after enactment.
The claim that many provisions of the bill take effect this year was a major selling point in the effort to get skittish House Dems on board.
It’s also going to be a major feature of the White House’s effort to sell the law to the voters, another sign that White House advisers are convinced that once Americans see that the legislation is poised to have a direct impact on their lives, public opinion will turn.Full talking points here: